Professor Ray Chaudhuri enthralled a capacity audience at the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, where he gave the 2013 Edinburgh Parkinson’s Lecture on Thursday, 25th April.
His subject was
Non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s: Important yet often neglected. Why?
Professor Chaudhuri is Clinical Director of the National Parkinson Foundation International Centre of Excellence, Kings College London, Director of Kings Neuroscience Research and Development and Director of DeNDroN, London South and Kent.
You can download
- The flyer for the meeting as a pdf file
- Professor Chaudhuri’s lecture slides as a pdf file (7.5 Mbytes)
- the audio recording of the lecture, in mp3 format (please note that some sections involve more than one file):
- Introduction (mp3, 6Mb)
- Lecture part 1 (mp3, 5.9Mb)
- Lecture part 2 (mp3, 5.7Mb)
- Lecture part 3 (mp3, 6.0Mb)
- Lecture part 4 (mp3, 5.9Mb)
- Lecture part 5 (mp3, 5.9Mb)
- Lecture part 6 (mp3, 6.4Mb)
- Lecture part 7 (mp3, 6.9Mb)
- Lecture part 8 (mp3, 7.2Mb)
- Discussion part 1 (mp3, 6.1Mb)
- Discussion part 2 (mp3, 6.75Mb)
- Discussion part 3 (mp3, 6.5Mb)
- Observations by Kieran Breen (mp3, 4.3Mb)
- Closing remarks by Branch Chairman (mp3, 3.6Mb)
- a summary of the lecture by Fiona Taylor, a Branch member
A comment……
………had lots of lovely positive comments from people who travelled from my areas to the talk in Edinburgh hosted by Edinburgh Branch – one lady even told me “it gave me the confidence to pick up the phone to my nurse and ask for some non-motor issues to be addressed” which she wouldn’t have bothered with had she not learned from the talk so there is a nice ground-level example of how it is already benefiting peoples’ quality of life day-to-day. Can’t wait for next years!
Shona Lawson
Information and Support Worker
Forth Valley, Lanarkshire and West Lothian