The current Chair of ERIG is Professor David Melton

The objectives of the Group are:
- To provide opportunities for members with an interest in Parkinson’s research to meet, communicate, work together and generally further the cause of research.
- To encourage and develop all members’ interest in research.
We welcome anyone with an interest in research into Parkinson’s. Complete this form and we will add you to our email list so that you receive notification of future meetings of the Group and other items of interest.
Please help us keep our records updated by informing of any changes to your email address and other contact details.
ERIG History
In 2010 Professor Ken Bowler and Patrick Mark, then Edinburgh Branch Hon. Chair, met with Parkinson’s researcher Dr Tilo Kunath from the Centre for Regenerative Medicine, University of Edinburgh, to discuss the novel idea of creating a world class annual Parkinson’s Lecture in Edinburgh and establishing an Edinburgh Parkinson’s Research Interest Group (ERIG). The first ERIG meetings were in 2011, with Ken as Chair, and the first Edinburgh Parkinson’s Lecture took place in 2012.
You can read more about the history of ERIG.
Other UK RIGs
ERIG became a model for the establishment of other RIGs. You can read more about these other groups here.
Ken Bowler Travel Bursary
The Edinburgh Parkinson’s Lecture and Edinburgh Research Interest Group were made possible by the vision, enthusiasm and hard work of Professor Ken Bowler, who sadly died in 2019. You can read an appreciation of Ken’s achievements for the Edinburgh Branch of Parkinson’s UK.
In recognition of his achievements the Edinburgh Branch established The Ken Bowler Travel Bursary, to be awarded annually to a young Edinburgh Parkinson’s Researcher. For more details contact