Quality of Life Group

In this monthly group people with Parkinson’s talk, laugh, share experiences, and learn to be forthright about feelings and needs. We exchange information about what works for us as individuals: whatever has improved the quality of life for someone and so potentially for others. You can find these in the resources links below.

The group is not facilitated but self-led. We learn how to deal emotionally with what the world throws at us now that we have PD; how to maintain our sense of humour and our fighting spirit. Spontaneous comments include “It’s so good to be able to talk about Parkinson’s without boring anyone!” and “The feeling of understanding and companionship was heart-warming.”.

The Quality of Life group meets in-person for the summer months, and online from October.

The next meeting takes place on Thursday 30th January 2025. (For Zoom link, please email Alison, (details below)

The meetings are held from 2pm-3.15pm, usually on the first Thursday of the month.

(The Feb meeting has been brought forward, so second meeting of 2025 will take place on 6th March) 

The in-person venue is Murrayfield View, 28 Roseburn Place, EH12 5NN.  There is car parking at the building, or you can get Lothian Buses 12, 26 or 31. The tram stop at Murrayfield is roughly a ten minute walk.

If you would like to give the group a try, please contact Alison Williams at alison@edinburghparkinsons.org

If you would like to start a QL Group in your area, there is a Starting and Running Your own QL Group guide in the resources below. Alison will be delighted to support you in whatever way she can. Inspired by the success of the Edinburgh Branch QL group, Fife Branch approached us for advice and ultimately launched a Fife Quality of Life Group in February 2018. The photo shows Fife and Edinburgh Branch Members on the launch day.

Branch QL Members Helping Establish A QL Fife Group
Branch QL Members Helping Establish A QL Fife Group


Click on the link to download the pdf file

WPC 2016

Alison Williams and Bill Wright had this Poster accepted and displayed at the 2016 World Parkinson Congress held in Portland, Oregon, in September 2016. It describes the background to the QL Group, its philosophy, benefits and how it works. The Poster was very well received at the conference, generating considerable interest, and praise for Lindsay McDermid’s design. You can also see it in greater detail via the following link: Quality of Life Group WPC Poster.

Thanks to Branch member Lindsay McDermid for designing the QL logo.

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