Barcelona 4th -7th July 2023
What it is?
WPC is the largest, most comprehensive, most diverse, most inclusive, most inter-disciplinary, most informative, most organised, most influential, most valuable and most inspiring event for Parkinson’s. (World Parkinson Congress)
Why it matters
WPC usually happens every three years (a four year gap on account of Covid), which allows time for significant new discoveries and developments in understanding and treatment to accumulate and be reported, assimilated and discussed at each Congress. It is the forum in which all aspects of knowledge, understanding and treatment from all places on earth move forward. Not to be missed.
Past Branch attendance
Edinburgh Branch has sent delegates to every recent Congress: 2010, Glasgow; 2013 Montreal; 2016 Portland; 2019 Kyoto. 2023 Barcelona now invites our participation.
The experience
The Congress offers delegates a fully resourced and immersive experience in every conceivable subject and activity connected with Parkinson’s, among a throng of PwPs (many of them contributors); scientists; health professionals; researchers; carers; funding, serving and researching charities; support services; pharmaceutical, equipment and commercial providers of many kinds.
Live plenaries are held early each day, followed by individual and team presentations given in four parallel streams according to main subject categories, which delegates attend according to their interests – and capacities. These cover immense tracts of ground during the three main conference days. In addition there are both general and specialised discussion groups, PwP and carers events, and live activities. There are large static poster displays submitted and attended by delegates, for which tours are organised (Edinburgh Branch has submitted posters in 2016 and 2019).
What is involved
Delegates pay registration fees and book their own travel and accommodation. Lists of hotels offering conference rates are provided by WPC Administration, along with local conference information.
Branch support
Edinburgh Branch is keen to send delegates to Barcelona 2023, and offers bursaries towards the cost of attendance. In return, supported delegates are asked to report on their findings and experiences at a subsequent Branch meeting. (Reports from previous Congresses can be found on the Branch website.)
What to report
Delegates are asked to report firstly on what has most inspired and engaged their interest during the congress, and secondly on what they believe to be most important in what they have experienced and discovered to share with our local Parkinson’s community.
To secure a Branch bursary, please apply to Weir Brown, Branch Treasurer, stating why you are going, and how you anticipate your visit will impact your involvement in your local PD community.
Please also state how you will generate the balance of funds to make up what our bursary does not cover. For example, we may only offer registration fees plus some travel costs, depending on the number of applicants.
Weir will present all applications to the Committee for decision within the budget it has set up for this purpose.
The closing date for applications is set for 31st March 2023.
Reviews of past events
Review of WPC 2019: Kyoto, Japan
In June 2019 the Edinburgh Branch sent five delegates to the 5th World Parkinson Congress in Kyoto, Japan. On Saturday 16th November at Bellevue Chapel over 50 Branch members spent…
Review of WPC 2016: Portland, Oregon, USA
This important event involved presentations, discussion, and convivial participation. The event was free and open to everyone concerned in any way with Parkinson’s, including care partners, health professionals and volunteers.…
WPC Scientific Update Workshop 2015
We held a workshop on 21st October 2015 at Bellevue Chapel, along similar lines to that held last year, to provide members of the Branch and the Edinburgh Research Interest…
WPC Scientific Update Workshop 2014
On Saturday 8th November we ran a meeting based on the WPC Scientific Updates transmitted as webcasts over the three days 30th Sept – 2nd Oct 2014 by the World…
Review of WPC 2013: Montreal, Canada
Our WPC 2013 Symposium We ran a special Branch Meeting on 30 November at Bellevue Chapel to hear from our delegates reports on the 2013 Congress, held in Montreal, Canada.…
WPC Symposium 2013: Montreal, Canada
What happened at WPC Montréal? Bellevue Chapel, Saturday 30th November 2013 A symposium at which our Branch delegates to the World Parkinson Congress, Mo Morgan, Simon Wilkinson and Werner Remmele…