Participation in Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are the final phase in the lengthy drug development process. They are an essential step before new more effective treatments can be introduced. Many trials of new Parkinson’s treatments struggle to recruit enough suitable volunteers!

The NHS Lothian Parkinson’s Clinical Research team is part of the Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic and the Neuroprogressive and Dementia Network. The team offers a variety of clinical research and trial opportunities for local people affected by Parkinson’s Disease.

Please visit these websites to learn more about our current studies:

Neuroprogressive and Dementia Network

Anne Rowling Clinic

Currently ongoing LOCAL projects / trials include:

Current UK and international trials:

  • Parkinson’s UK has produced an on-line tool enabling you to search for opportunities to get involved in your area of the country by simply clicking on this link and entering your postcode.
  • The Michael J Fox Foundation also has a clinical trial finder
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