Reports from local research events

Stem Cells and Parkinson’s

This online ERIG meeting was held on Saturday 27th June at 10:30 and was attended by 25 members. The first talk was given by Sophie Glendinning, the recipient of the…

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Sleep Problems in Parkinson’s

Our second online ERIG meeting was held on Saturday 6th June at 11:00 and was attended by 35 members. The talk was given by Dr David Breen, Senior Clinical Research…

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Towards a clinical trial to assess the ability of a probiotic bacterium to protect against α-synuclein aggregation in Parkinson’s

This was the topic for our first ever online ERIG meeting, held on Saturday 30th May at 11:00 and attended by 25 members. Talks were given by Drs Maria Doitsidou…

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Visit to Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility at Western General Hospital on 28th February 2020

There are new opportunities for local PwPs to participate in clinical trials that are starting soon in Edinburgh. Dr Gordon Duncan spoke about these new trials, one of which is…

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Parkinson’s under the microscope – progress towards a diagnostic test

This talk was given by Dr Mathew Horrocks (Lecturer in Biophysical Chemistry, University of Edinburgh) on 25th January 2020 at the Centre for Regenerative Medicine. Mathew is Head of the…

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Mathew Horrocks

Six myths about Parkinson’s Disease and why they are untrue

On Saturday 27th April members of the Edinburgh Research Interest Group were entertained and informed by a talk from Dr David Breen, a newly appointed neurology consultant in the Western…

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