Our second online ERIG meeting was held on Saturday 6th June at 11:00 and was attended by 35 members. The talk was given by Dr David Breen, Senior Clinical Research Fellow at the Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences, University of Edinburgh and Honorary Consultant Neurologist, NHS Lothian.
Problems with sleep are very common in PwPs. David began by describing the nature of the different sleep disorders that PwPs can experience and how they can be assessed. He explained that these different disorders have different causes and so require different approaches to treatment. He went on to describe these causes and the different methods of treatment that can help. He poInted out that some medications for Parkinson’s and for other conditions, as well as caffeine and alcohol, can all trigger sleep problems and he ended up with some behavioural and environmental tips for a good night’s sleep.
There were a number of questions and comments from the audience. One member stressed the importance of making lifestyle changes and of practising good sleep hygiene. Levels of the sleep hormone melatonin are usually lower in PwPs and there was also discussion about the value of taking melatonin for insomnia.