We plan to begin taster sessions of Nordic Walking in the Spring. Some members have been extolling its virtues. Watch out for a further announcement early in the New Year, but if you’re likely to be interested, let Bill Wright from the Quality of Life Group know: email Bill on bill@edinburghparkinsons.org
Let’s Get Moving
Professor Lynn Rochester answers questions from the audience, watched by Ken Bowler and David Adams, Branch Chair This exciting one-day event was aimed at everyone affected by, and involved with, Parkinson’s. The first presentation was by Professor Lynn Rochester, Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University, who described the research evidence for the effects of exercise and…
Dance Class Project Announced
Edinburgh Dance Base National Centre for Dance and Scottish Ballet Project Dance and Parkinson’s Disease Scotland About the Project: In partnership with a range of organisations, Dance Base and Scottish Ballet have successfully secured funding to deliver Dance for Parkinson’s Disease. The programme aims to address Parkinson’s-specific physical and psychological issues through dance and music.…
QMU students to present results of study
Some Branch members were involved with the research project carried out by Queen Margaret College students recently under the supervision of Jane Hislop and Gillian Baer. The aim of the study was to look at how people with Parkinson’s regarded exercise and how they might be encouraged to get involved with it more frequently. They…