Research news

Alternative theories on the causes of Parkinson’s

Might Parkinson’s be caused by physical compression of a particular part of the brain from a mis-aligned cranial artery? This is the suggestion in a paper published in the open-access…

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Tai chi for better balance

Results published in The New England Journal of Medicine in February suggest that tai chi may help people with Parkinson’s improve their balance and movement control. In the study, 195 people…

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Genetic Parkinson’s disease brain cells made in lab

The BBC reports that scientists in the US have successfully made human brain cells in the lab that are an exact replica of genetically caused Parkinson’s disease. A news item…

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Cure Parkinson’s Action Group

The Cure Parkinson’s Action Group (CPAG) is a new initiative spearheaded by the trustees of Parkinson’s UK. The objective for this group is to bring together people with different interests…

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Delivering Neuroprotection

The latest issue of SPRING Times, vol 62, highlights some pioneering work involving Dr Roger Barker and his Cambridge colleague, Professor John Sinclair. In a paper published in The Journal…

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Trichloroethylene implicated in Parkinson’s

BBC News reports that an international study has linked an industrial solvent to Parkinson’s disease. Researchers in California found a six-fold increase in the risk of developing Parkinson’s in individuals…

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