PUK Online Exercise Promotion & Survey for PwPs

The Parkinson’s UK YouTube Channel is now updated regularly with exercise sessions specifically for people with Parkinson’s.


The Parkinson’s UK website also has useful guidance on Staying active at home with Parkinson’s.

And if you find a printed guide useful to keep at hand, you can download and print an exercise guide pdf. How to Stay Active and Exercise at Home.

Then there are the various online and video sessions the Edinburgh Branch has been running – see this page.

The “Hello Parkinson’s Active Project” is collecting views on online exercise. If you are a Person living with Parkinson’s and have tried any online exercise offered by a local Branch or have used the Parkinson’s UK YouTube channel, the survey team would love to hear what you think.

The Project Team would also like to hear from anyone living with Parkinson’s who has not participated in any kind of online exercise to understand the challenges and barriers faced to exercising online. The short survey, which has been extended to Monday 16th June, can be accessed via


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