
FDA Approval for New Drugs

This past month the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved two new formulations of traditional Parkinson’s therapy levodopa/carbidopa. Both therapies are designed to avoid “off” time in Parkinson’s —…

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Scotland Participation Events 2015

Scotland Participation Events March 2015 Thursday 5th March at the Bellevue Chapel, Rodney Street, Edinburgh EH7 4EL. NB. The BVSO contact for the Edinburgh event is Gina Allen on 07768…

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Christmas Lunch

EDINBURGH BRANCH CHRISTMAS LUNCH When:    Wednesday 10th December 2014. 12.30pm for 1pm Where:   The Meeting Place Boroughmuir Rugby Club, Meggetland 60, Colinton Road, Edinburgh EH14 1AS 3 Course Christmas Lunch…

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Patrik Brundin to give 2015 Edinburgh Parkinson’s Lecture

We are delighted to announce that Professor Patrik Brundin has accepted our invitation to deliver the 2015 Edinburgh Parkinson’s Lecture. The lecture will take place on the evening of 22…

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Delivering Excellence in Lothian

Parkinson’s UK is developing a new strategy throughout 2014, from 2015 on. The strategy is being developed with substantial input from people living with Parkinson’s. As a starting point, people…

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Branch Meeting on 8th October

Dear Member, We have two speakers at our meeting next week: From 2.00pm, Diane Wilsdon, Influence and Development Officer for Parkinson’s UK Scotland, will talk about her work on improving…

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