Student Talks for the Bowler Travel Bursary

Over 30 Edinburgh Research Interest Group (ERIG) members braved a very cold Saturday morning on 7th December, to watch the talks at the Centre for Regenerative Medicine.

Three students carrying out research into Parkinson’s each gave a short (12 minute) talk on their work. The students were told to prepare talks suitable for a lay audience of people living with Parkinson’s.

These were the students and the titles of their talks:

  • Faidra Batsaki (Supervisor Prof Chris Coxon, Chemistry): Two Tools, One Diagnosis: Advancing Early Detection of Parkinson’s Disease.
  • Marc Front (Supervisor Prof Mathew Horrocks, Chemistry): A Peptide-Based Approach Towards a New Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease.
  • Zhijun Wang (Supervisor Prof Tilo Kunath, Centre for Regenerative Medicine): Let the cells illuminate their mitochondrial health.

The talks were judged by a panel of three ERIG members: Branch Chair Stephen Brannan, former Branch Chair David Adams and Dr Kat Bowles (UK Dementia Research Institute at the University of Edinburgh).

The judges commended all the students on the quality of their lay talks and decided that Marc Front was the winner of the £700 Bowler Travel Bursary, to be used to attend a conference relevant to his research.

Congratulations to Marc and thanks to all the students and to Tilo for hosting the event.

The image shows 6 people facing the camera, in a bright office
Students and judges relaxing after lunch, left to right: Wang, Kat, David, Marc, Faidra and Stephen


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