Research Opportunity: Female Carers for Those with Young Onset Parkinson’s

Caring for those with Young Onset Parkinson’s can provide unique challenges to life stages such as building careers and raising families.

Amelia Beveridge from the University of East London is exploring the lived experiences of women who provide unpaid care for individuals with Young Onset Parkinson’s. Her research aims to shed light on the challenges faced by women who provide unpaid care.

By focusing on how caregiving roles impact mental health, relationships, and daily life, the study aims to inform clinical psychologists and healthcare providers about the specific needs of caregivers.

Before Amelia carries out her research she would like to speak to women who are caring for those with Young Onset Parkinson’s to discuss the language and appropriateness of the research documents.

What is involved?
Share your thoughts either as part of an online discussion group, or via email.

Join a discussion group
When?: Friday 28 February 1-2pm; Monday 3 March 6-7pm; Tuesday 4 March 6-7pm
Where?:  Online, via video call  (support can be provided with joining a video call)

or provide feedback via email
This would require you to read through the research documents and answer some questions.

When? By Tuesday 4 March 2025

Who can be involved?
Women who are informal carers, partners or family members of those with Young Onset Parkinson’s

How do I get involved?
Please email Anne ( if you would be interested in attending the focus group. Please include in your email:

  • A couple of sentences about yourself, including your connection to Parkinson’s
  • Whether you would rather attend the discussion group or give feedback via email
  • If you would like to attend the discussion group, which of the suggested dates you are available

If there are any adjustments we can make to help you get involved, please get in touch with Anne at

Please express your interest by Monday 10th February. Please note that we may receive more interest than we have spaces. In this case we will use the information shared in the expression of interest to try to ensure as diverse a range of perspectives as possible.

(Don’t forget, by volunteering for this opportunity you are consenting to your email being shared with the researcher(s) involved on this project)


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