Outings: Traquair Medieval Fayre (May) and Barge Trip (July)

Scott Wilson, Chair of the Edinburgh Young Parkinson’s Support Group (AKA as the ‘YPs’) felt it would be nice for the YP’s and the rest of the Branch to meet up. So he has extended an invite to some of their forthcoming trips.

Traquair Medieval Fayre

This takes place on 25th & 26th of May.  Several of the YPs have been before and have had a brilliant time, there is so much to do and see.

Cost: £13 per person which gets you entry to the magnificent house and grounds, whether it’s jousting or having a go of archery, there is food stalls also.  Watch the video below to get a feel for what is on offer.

If you are interested, please email Scott (scott@edinburghparkinsons.org) before Friday 12th of May, so he can get tickets arranged.  Please also confirm in your email if you want to go on Saturday or Sunday.

Canal Barge Trip: Falkirk Wheel

This outing is a trip up the canal in two barges (24 people max) to the Falkirk Wheel.

There will be time for lunch in the basin of the wheel.  After lunch it will be back onto the wheel and back to the boathouse.  All trips leave the boathouse in Falkirk at 10:30 am and return around 3:00 /3:30pm.

Scott needs to get dates by going with the preference of the majority. If you are interested, please select a date from:

  • Sunday 7th July
  • Sunday 21st July
  • Sunday 4th August

There is no charge for this amazing trip, so most who go either give them a donation and buy some of trinkets on sale.  The crews are excellent with any queries and happy to help – and they all volunteers ! You may have heard of Seagull Trust?

There is tea and coffee on board and they also do fresh made sandwiches, juices, crisps, fruit at a cost of £6 per person (hopefully that will cover lunch). Any dietary requirements please let Scott know and he would arrange to accommodate that need.

If you are interested, please email Scott (scott@edinburghparkinsons.org) as soon as possible.  This is first come first served and as numbers are limited, you need to express interested fast.   Please  confirm in your email what date is your preference.

This image shows a barge on a canal heading towards the Falkirk Wheel
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