Important advance in disease-modifying therapy

A team of German researchers led by Jens Wagner, Sergey Ryazanov, Andrei Leonov, Johannes Levin and Song Shi, reports an important breakthrough in the search for disease-modifying therapy for Parkinson’s and other neurological disorders. Parkinson’s disease is characterised by the formation of aggregates of the protein α-synuclein in the brain. Such oligomeric aggregations are presumed to be the key neurotoxic agents. In an article published on-line on 19 April 2013, In the journal Acta Neuropathologica, the research team describe work on Anle138b, an oligomer modulator, showing that in three different mouse models of PD, it strongly inhibits oligomer accumulation, neuronal degeneration and disease progression. Furthermore it has no detectable toxicity at therapeutic doses and an excellent bioavailability and blood-brain-barrier penetration.


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