Friends, Family and Carers of Young Onset Parkinson’s: Zoom Cafe

Linda Duddy and Lorna Fraser are hosting the next ‘YP’ Zoom café on Thursday 25th July at 7pm.

For who have not attended before it’s very informal and a chance to share experiences and challenges that having Parkinson’s in our lives brings, both emotionally and practically.

It can be difficult to discuss how Parkinson’s has impacted on you in front of the person you support, so these cafes are only for family, friends and carers only. 

Link to Join  (meeting ID: 835 8629 3120 if you have the app)

In order to make it a safe space for everyone to share, please ensure you log on in a space where you are on your own and not with others around.

Picture shows a smiling lady sitting in front of her computer at the kitchen table, with a cup of tea.
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