This online ERIG meeting took place on Saturday 11 November 2023 at 10:00. The speaker was Khalid Al-Ani, a BSc (Hons) student in Physical Activity & Health at Napier University. He was looking for volunteers to join a research study entitled:
Effects of Mindfulness Meditation and Exercise Prescription on Self-Efficacy for Physical Activity and Functional Outcomes in People with Parkinson’s: A pilot mixed methods study.
His research proposal aims to investigate the impact of a 6-week intervention on self-efficacy and functional outcomes in individuals with Parkinson’s. Participants will be divided into two groups: one will follow a specific exercise prescription, and the other will combine exercise with mindfulness meditation. Both groups will wear fitness trackers to monitor activity levels. Pre- and post-intervention interviews will be conducted, either in person or online, to assess changes in self-efficacy and functional outcomes. By comparing the two groups, he seeks to determine the potential benefits of incorporating mindfulness meditation alongside exercise prescription for individuals with Parkinson’s, ultimately improving their overall well-being.
David Melton will contact those who registered an interest in the talk to let them know when the study is open for recruiting.
You can watch a recording of Khalid’s talk on our YouTube channel
You can listen to an audio recording of the Q&A session after the talk