Big Branch Blether Online – Wednesday 9th September 2020

Our Chairman David Adams and the Branch Committee are planning the first Online Branch Blether.

We have all missed the monthly Branch Get Together and this is as close as we can get to meeting up for a real coffee morning!  Depending on numbers, we might for some of the time go into smaller groups for a chat and catch-up.

This will take place on the Zoom platform at 11am on Wednesday 9th September.   Be ready with a cuppa and (optional) goody to enjoy.

A further e-mail will be sent to you with the details to join the meeting.  You don’t need to sign up for a Zoom account if you will be joining the meeting.  Parkinson’s UK have some useful guidance about Zoom (listed below), if you would like to check in advance:

Anyone can follow a Zoom link to join an online meeting. The Oxford branch of Parkinson’s UK have done some fantastic videos on joining a meeting.

1. Go to the email or calendar invite you have received from your group lead, at the time the meeting is scheduled for.

2. You should see a link in the email or calendar invite that looks like this:

3. Click the link. You might want to do this before the meeting starts to give yourself time to follow any onscreen instructions. This video shows you what to expect when joining a Zoom call for the first time. You may be asked to enter the meeting ID, which you’ll find in the email from your host. And you will likely be asked to key in the password which will be provided in the follow up e-mail invitation you will receive.

4. You will be given the option of joining the meeting audio either by phone or computer. If joining by computer take the opportunity to test your audio and video.

5. You should have now joined the meeting.


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