New Therapies Targeting Parkinson’s Disease May Cause Harm
In a post dated 20 March, Science Daily reports that NorthShore University HealthSystem (NorthShore) and Mayo Clinic researchers have partnered on a study that shows genetic and clinical evidence that…
Mechanism That Leads to Sporadic Parkinson’s Disease Identified
Researchers in the Taub Institute at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) have identified a mechanism that appears to underlie the common sporadic (non-familial) form of Parkinson’s disease. The discovery highlights…
Researchers Closer to Early Detection of Parkinson’s
In collaboration with colleagues at Oxford, a team of researchers at Umeå University in Sweden has now further elaborated its discovery of a way to detect Parkinson’s disease at an…
Molecular ‘on/off’ switch for Parkinson’s discovered by Dundee scientists
Scientists in Dario Alessi’s group at the University of Dundee have discovered a new molecular switch that may be the key to why nerve cells die in Parkinson’s. Around 5%…
Gene Therapy Treatment shows promise
Parkinson’s UK director of research, Dr Kieran Breen, was interviewed on Sky News at lunchtime on April 12, commenting on their story about Sheila Roy, a lady with Parkinson’s who is…
Parkinson’s disease stopped in animal model
UCLA professor of neurology Jeff Bronstein and UCLA associate professor of neurology Gal Bitan, along with their colleagues, report the development of a novel compound known as a “molecular tweezer,”…