Congratulations to Dr Doitsidou and Dr Breen!
Maria Doitsidou and David Breen from the University of Edinburgh have just learned that their application for funding from the Reta Lila Weston Trust has been successful. Their grant will…
Edinburgh Parkinson’s Lecture 2021
Following our first online Edinburgh Parkinson’s Lecture that was watched by more than 800 people, we are pleased to announce that next year’s lecture will be on 7th October 2021.…
Research Interest Groups
The official launch of the Glasgow Research Interest Group (GRIG) is to be marked by an online event on the 27 October 2020 at 1500 – 1700 . The launch…
Award of the 2020 Ken Bowler Travel Bursary to Sophie Glendinning
The Edinburgh Parkinson’s Lecture and Edinburgh Research Interest Group (ERIG) were established by Professor Ken Bowler. In recognition of his achievements, in 2019 the Edinburgh Branch of Parkinson’s UK established…
New Chair for Research Interest Group
After seven years as Chair of ERIG, Professor Ken Bowler has announced his retirement from the position. He will be succeeded by Professor David Melton. David has spent his entire…
Branch has three Abstracts accepted for Tokyo Congress WPC19
We are pleased to report that the Branch has had three abstracts accepted for WPC19 . They are: Submission ID: 909 Abstract Title: “Where’s the ‘feeling better’ box?” Beyond PDQ39…